Friends of St Mary's Church Hadleigh raise much-needed funds through donations, legacies, events and book sales.We also arrange and host the annual lecture series in memory of our co-founder John Bloomfield. This year’s John Bloomfield Memorial Lecture will be held on Saturday 5 October at 10am at St Mary’s Church Hadleigh Suffolk. The Guest Speaker is Mark Bailey, Professor of Late Medieval History, School of History and Art History, at the University of East Anglia
Mark Bailey is a well-known, highly respected speaker and acclaimed academic author. He will talk widely on environmental and social change in the late mediaeval period – referencing Hadleigh and there is no doubt his talk will give an equally interesting and unique historical perspective on current issues. His talk will be entitled: “Coping with a Global Pandemic and Climate Change in Suffolk & Hadleigh 1300 – 1500”
For those who may not know of John Bloomfield, he was a Hadleigh person born and bred and a leading founder member of the Hadleigh Society. He was active in giving many talks to the Hadleigh Society, involved in numerous areas of Hadleigh and Suffolk public life and an inspiring leader in early Society campaigns, not least the campaign against Tesco’s bid to build a superstore between the high street and the river.
John Bloomfield died in 2014, and the memorial lectures are eld annually with all proceeds given to the Friends of St Mary’s.
Tickets for the lecture are now available from the Deanery Tower Office at £10 each, or on the door on the day. There will be an interval during which refreshments will be served.