How the Friends raise funds for St Mary's Church Hadleigh

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Friends of St Mary's Church Hadleigh raise much-needed funds through donations, legacies, fundraising events and book sales. Individuals and businesses become Friends by making donations.

download: relaunch and appeal

download: Friends of St Mary's application form

download: GiftAid form

download: Friends of St Mary's leaflet

St Mary's Church Hadleigh

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about St Mary's Church

Our main fundraising event is the annual Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh event. This  year it was held on Saturday 1st  June 2024 

This year 25 gardens were on show, including the famous garden at Benton End. The event attracted 960 visitors from as far afield as Bournemouth, Kent, Northampton – and even France!  The event raised £6,000 for The Friends of St Mary's, contributing to the restoration and maintenance of our beautiful old church

 The 2025 edition of the Hidden Gardens will be held on xxxx 

Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh 2020 Hidden Gardens of Hadleigh 2020 photography contest

  • "Hadleigh Suffolk 1900-2000: A Century in Word and Pictures" by Roger Kennell

  • "Hadleigh Suffolk Then and Now"

  • "Signs of the Times" Roger Kennell

  • "The Inventory" Sue Andrews

  • "The Hadleigh Corset Factory of P&S"

  • "Hadleigh Deanery Tower through Six Centuries" Roger Kennell

  • "Hadleigh During World War Two 1939-1945 - The Home Front Story" Roger Kennell

  • "Hadleigh Suffolk and the Reformation – Notes from a lecture at St Mary’s" David Cornick

  • "Living with a Legacy: Today’s Churches & Yesterday’s Reformations - Notes from a lecture at St Mary’s" David Cornick

  • Historic Picture Postcards

repairs to the church

Repairs to part of the church roof